Less Restrictions and Limitations: A More Imaginative Architecture
Seoul Maru Public Intervention 2023
by Jiyoun Park
In SPACE No. 670 / September 2023
Excerpts on SUPA Song Schweitzer’s Non-Place Project here

Fragments of Uselessness
Public Lecture by Ryul Song, Christian Schweitzer
at Gallery PushToEnter, 100 Changdukgung-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03057
August 8, 2023 / 7:00 pm, 2nd Floor

Gender / Architecture / City – Measuring Boundaries
Symposium in the Seoul Museum of Art SeMA
organized and moderated by Ryul Song
within the SeMA Multimedia Lab 〈Discord〉: Infrastructure and Care
Schedule: October 29 (Sat) 15:00 – 18:00 / October 30 (Sun) 15:00 – 17:30 2022
Location: Seoul Museum of Art Seosomun Main Building 2nd Floor Learning Station
Day 1. October 29 (Sat) 2022
15:00 – 15:50 Part 1. Uncertainties around the City / Sofía Piñero Rivero
15:50 – 16:40 Part 2. oræ – Experiences on the Border / Vanessa Lacaille
16:40 – 17:30 Part 3. Joy and Loneliness in the Evolving City / Madeleine Kessler
17:30 – 18:00 Discussion
Day 2. October 30 (Sun) 2022
15:00 – 15:30 Part 1. SOFA (Society Of Feminist Architects) / Kyungeun Song, Juwon Moon
15:30 – 16:00 Part 2. The Absence of Women’s Narratives in the City / Minji Kim
16:00 – 16:30 Part 3. Urban Space Created by Male Dominance / Kyungsun Park
16:30 – 17:30 Discussion
Application for Participation please click here

Out now
너의 이야기를 들려줘 – Tell Me Your Story
edited by 송률 – Ryul Song
published by SeA.P [Socially Engaged A. Place]
with contributions by 김민정, 김승현, 라유경, 박재연, 서씨, 송률, 신수와, 안지윤, 윤동주, 이경희, 이정우, 최윤, 한윤정, and <경계에서의 신호> 전시회 관람객, 190 pages
only available at the bookstore in the Seoul Museum of Art Seosomun Main Building 3rd Floor or on request
이 책은 2021년 9월 28일부터 11월 7일까지 서울시립 남서울미술관에서 열린 ‘경계에서의 신호’ 전시 중, 그룹 SeA.P의
‘젠더 그리고 A. 목소리’ 참여전시와 워크숍을 엮은 것입니다.
전시 기간 동안 관람객들이 써놓은 글들과 워크숍 참가자들의 글들을 통하여 우리의 일상과 각자의 성으로서 살아가는 개인적인 이야기들을 사회의 표면으로 드러내고자 합니다.
[FEATURE] Climate Crisis / Architecture / Ethics
What Responsibility Does It Take to Demolish a Building and Build a New One?
by Ryul Song, Christian Schweitzer
In SPACE Special Edition: A Question for Architecture During Climate Crisis, No. 648 / November 2021
The numbers don’t add up: more people, more buildings, higher temperatures, more urbanisation, more fine dust, more land development, more soil sealing, more buildings, more resources needed, after a few decades again redevelopment, more new-towns, more buildings, more resources, more soil sealing, more waste…. We are in urgent need of a new approach to architecture and urbanism.
[REPORT] ΣπΩ or how SF became a Playground for Women
by Ryul Song
In SPACE Web Edition / October 2021
[REPORT] About Books on Architecture
by Ryul Song
In SPACE No. 647 / October 2021
Evolving Manifesto
Curators Collective at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2021
Web Exhibition / August 27 – November 21, 2021
The Curators Collective Manifesto Group is interested in framing a collectively considered response to the complex problems that are challenging us. In the context of multiple crises upending life as we know it, it has become clear that questions and diversity, rather than answers and universalizing declarations, more truthfully reflect the uncertain times we are in. The questions collected by the curators have become the material that can be used, added to, curated, or constructed to generate other manifestos.
With contributions by Wael Al Awar, Felipe Ferrer, Orisell Medina-Lagrange, Madeeha Merchant, Annie Pedret, Christian Schweitzer, Roberta Semeraro, Ryul Song, and others.
A Glued Manifesto / by Ryul Song, Christian Schweitzer
208/1 Manifesto / by Ryul Song
Some Thoughts on a Manifesto / by Christian Schweitzer
Manifesto Letter No.2 / by Christian Schweitzer
12ish Questions in the Post-Architectural World / by Ryul Song, Christian Schweitzer
Antagonism / by Ryul Song, Christian Schweitzer
Zeitgeist Seoul : The Impossibility of Contemporary Architecture
Public Lecture by Ryul Song, Christian Schweitzer
at UNIBE School of Architecture / La Universidad Iberoamericana, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
June 4, 2021 / 10:00 am
Future School Space Design
by SUPA Schweitzer Song
at Future School : The Korean Pavilion at the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale 2021
Exhibition / Giardini, Venice, May 22 – November 21, 2021
Curated by Haewon Shin
The visualization of the fundamental mechanisms of a social architecture, and therefore the constitution of architecture itself: relationship, process, mutual influence, interaction, social enabling. Addressing basic needs and functionality, good living and working environment, adaptable to any given space, adaptable to any scenario of use, plasticity: the user can influence the space, the space influences its use, enabling of continuous change. Design without design, the design as never finished, no definite result, nothing is fixed, nothing is un-fixed. The process of un-designing the Korean pavilion.
Images / more images and video
The De-Contextualized City, The House Without Character, The Venice Biennale, and Other Stuff
Public Lecture by Ryul Song, Christian Schweitzer
at Domansa / 12 Gwangnaruro 4gil, SeongSu, Seoul
March 14, 2021 / 7:30 pm
[SPACE REVIEW] An Architecture Museum is not an Architecture Museum
A Plea for a Public Forum on the Korean Museum of Urbanism and Architecture
by Ryul Song, Christian Schweitzer
In SPACE No. 639 / February 2021
The urgent necessity of a Korean Museum of Urbanism and Architecture is indisputable. Architecture deserves potent representation within society in order to communicate, educate, and represent itself. However, an architecture museum disconnected from the people that make architecture possible is fundamentally flawed.
SUPA Architects : Naked Plans
by Ryul Song and Christian Schweitzer
in DRAWING MATTER / June 2020
The drawings in the Naked Plans series try to counter the flattening of subjectivity. By changing the syntax of our execution drawings while retaining the alphabet, words, and grammar in place, we make these hundreds of processes and thoughts readable.
“Haha! What Does This Represent?”‐“What Do YOU Represent?”
Deciphering the Work of AOA Architects
by Ryul Song, Christian Schweitzer
In SPACE No. 625 / December 2019
Suh Jaewon and Lee Euihaing don’t make it easy for us. Every step along the way towards rationalising what they are doing, they set traps and diversions in our path. The biggest trap, right up front, is the obvious question their work conjures: ‘Why do they in 2019 still design such postmodern looking buildings?’ And we have to realise that we can only ask such a question if we ourselves are deeply immersed in the postmodernist paradigm.